The Most Holy Eucharist must be received on the tongue (Jesus)

"My daughter, please pray for My Vicar, Pope Benedict, for he is surrounded by masonic forces who are now making every effort to dethrone him, these evil forces have been infiltrating My Church since Vatican II and have diluted My Teachings. Many laws were passed which offend Me, especially the presentation of My Holy Eucharist by lay people. 

The lack of respect shown to Me and My Eternal Father, through new laws introduced to facilitate modern society has made Me cry with sadness. 

The Most Holy Eucharist must be received on the tongue and not soiled by human hands. Yet this is precisely what My sacred servants have done. These laws were not passed by Me in Spirit. My sacred servants have been led down a path not in line with the Teachings of My apostles. Today My Sacraments are not taken very seriously, especially those who seek the Sacraments of Matrimony and the First Holy Communion"

Jesus' message from Wednesday, July 6th, 2011 – The Book of Truth, Maria Divine Mercy