The Secret of the Prevention of Sinning

WILLIAM: Early this morning as I was waking up, Jesus, Mary and my Guardian Angel, Saint Menoloutis, appeared to me. They greeted me with Their love. Jesus then spoke and said:
OUR LORD: My son: Today I wish to reveal to you the secret of the prevention of sinning.”
“When man is tempted to sin it happens quickly – within seconds. The temptation itself is not a sin, but the actions that follow once a soul accepts the invitation.”
“To prevent a soul from committing a sin, place your thought to the consequence of this act. First think in a flash if you proceed you will inflict pain upon My Most Sacred Heart, your Saviour and the tender Heart of your Mother, Mary, My Holy Mother and your Guardian Angel, who fights for your welfare. The consequence of a moment of consenting to a wilful act of weakness is measured upon yourselves, your brothers and sisters.”
“In that moment turn to Us in Heaven, We will come to your aid. Remember God’s Love for you – He cares for His children.”
WILLIAM: Jesus then said:
OUR LORD: “Be at peace, My son; feed My sheep – feed My sheep. We Love you.”
WILLIAM: The Jesus, Mary and the Angel kissed my heart and left.