
We all knew that Father "Jeanine" Martin, Society of Fags, is one of those to suspect whom of being homosexual is like suspecting Stalin of being Communist. However, even so it is difficult to even imagine the lows that these low existences can reach
Father Martin did it recently, by reposting on his Facebook page an article speaking of (and forgive me for having my adrenaline going through the roof now) the “Queer Jesus”. 
It boggles the mind. Please consider saying your rosary today in reparation of this unspeakable blasphemy. 
It is fair to say that even if Francis' papacy were, in everything else, the very epitome of orthodoxy, the mere presence of this extremely worrying, creepy, utterly disgusting “man” in the Vatican would be enough to mar his entire pontificate. However, it is even fairer to say that, if Francis' papacy were orthodox, this man would have been defrocked a long time ago. A destiny, mind, which I think will catch up with him at some point in his disgraceful life, because this man has leant so much out of the homo window that every future Pope with a modicum of integrity will not want to have the man going around calling himself a priest in good standing, ever. 
A prayer to Saint Michael is full in order, too. 
An exorcism would be, in fact, even better, but I somewhat doubt Father Elton Martin, Society of Fags, would agree to it. Can't wait for the Church to get rid of this filth.