Is Pope Francis An Anti-Pope?

(...)Now in the twenty-first century we are waiting for the Second Coming of the Messiah with the heralding of the New Golden Age; the Book of Revelation unfolding with the last Anti- Pope on the Throne of Peter, namely Pope Francis and the Last Pope yet to come, Pope Peter II or Petrus Romanus, who will guide the Church in the final hour and persecution by the last Antichrist, who will seat himself upon the Throne of Peter and proclaim himself as God.
Yet, we are to believe that the twentieth and nineteenth century did not bring with it tyrants in world power play and huge abuses in the Church, even under the leaderships this time of great men of the cloth?
So why do we think Pope Francis is an Anti-Pope? First, he supports liberal theology; over the years the popes of the past have spoken against liberal theology, namely the teaching of Hans Kung and Teilhard de Chardin – both theologians, condemned by the Church, yet used by Pope Francis as good teachers. Pope Francis is leading the Church into the greatest crisis in her history. Pope Francis is a humanist – believes in socialism and teaches as an encyclical, the environment. Little, if any, does he teach about sin, about Hell or even Heaven.
Pope Francis, who seems to love the poor in showing the world he is a good man of the Gospel. However, this is to mislead the Church and the world – as his teachings about Christ and His Holy Mother.
Let’s take into consideration as to why Pope Francis may be the last Anti-Pope of history.
[See website of Kelly Bowring – Two Hearts Press:]

William Costellia Message 674 – 1 February 2013:

[“Evil is perpetrated in the Holy City of the Vatican, behind closed doors – just as they once murdered Saint Thomas a’ Becket (England). The Evil Sects, established well and entrenched in every corner of the Church, had also murdered the Popes of the century gone by; namely, Pope John Paul II, John Paul I, Paul VI and John XXIII, as they had stumbled on the truth of the Freemasons, and the Illuminarians working freely as Cardinals, Bishops and Priests undermining every move the Holy Popes were trying to fulfil. Judases have always been in the Church from the time I started My Ministry in Public on Earth.”]
[“All these hideous sacrilegious acts of murder and grossness conducted in secret in Holy Places, even sexual depravity and corruption – abomination upon abomination – in God’s Holy Sanctuary. My children, if I were to reveal and show you all these sacrilegious acts being perpetrated by Satan and his agents, you would die in horror. Men have fallen so low; it was the crimes of this nature and the others which brought on the floods of Noah’s time, but men have become far worse.”]

William Costellia Message 675 – 15 February 2013:

[JESUS:“Trust in Me, My children, as I will guide you through these most turbulent times of the tribulation. Remember these Words: even though Pope Benedict has been forced to step down, while he lives, he remains the True Pope. I will send many signs to mankind so that they will realise that God truly exists. Continue with your prayers, My children; wear your protective armour with the many Sacramentals Heaven has given you – and nurture your souls and bodies with My Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in My Holy Eucharistic Bread of Life.”]

See MDM Message – 16 February 2013:

[The Schism within the Catholic Church, as foretold, will now be witnessed, for all the world to see. The departure of My dearly beloved Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, marks the beginning of the end.]

See MDM Message — 19 February 2013:

[My Vicar, appointed by Me, Jesus Christ, to rule over My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, has been viciously ousted]


20 February  2013 – 7:55 A.M. 
[“This says the Lord: With the resignation of My Vicar will begin the purification days of My Church. The Peter’s Chair becomes vacant thus beginning all that is written about My Church in these end times. The time of My adversary and his wicked emissaries is about to start; where the carcass is, there the vultures will gather. My Church will begin her sorrowful Calvary; Calvary needed for a new church to be reborn and strengthened in faith, full of Spirit’s Charisma – totally given to the service of My people. Humility, charity, poverty and first of all love will be the slogan of My New Church.”]
So my dear people of God, it is always important to study about your faith and to understand what a great miracle it has been that the Church has survived and not to sit on judgement about our separate Christians, who were able to maintain their Christian beliefs in spite of the great divisions within Christendom, since the early centuries. Because this was due to bad popes, corrupt Kings and leaders in the world and evil governments.
This century will see the re-unification of the Christian world and the integration of all faiths into the Christian world, as we gather together as one Church, waiting for the return of Christ Jesus.
The purpose of this chronological appraisal of the Popes of history was to show you that Pope Francis was not elected in truth, but it was orchestrated by the freemasons, who ousted the True Pope, Pope Benedict XVI. The Seat of Peter will soon be empty and the Antichrist will seat himself upon the Throne of Peter proclaiming himself as God.
The Seat of Peter will be moved to another land once Pope Francis and Pope Benedict are removed.
St. Peter and St. Paul will designate the Last Pope for the Church after the Great Warning.
Long Reign Christ Our Saviour in His Mystical Body, the Church.
His Servant
William John Baptist Costellia