At judgment, the soul sees what God intended it to be

Let us strive to do penance in this life. How sweet will be the death of those who have done penance for all their sins and need not go to purgatory!
                                                                        -St. Teresa of Avila
Today’s Reflection:
What is my attitude toward penance, reparation, and fasting? Does my life, choices, and decisions reflect an attitude of remorse, sorrow, and contrition?

At judgment: “The soul sees what God intended it to be. And the soul sees what obstacles it erected – its selfishness, its cowardice, its shallow satisfactions, its perversions of God’s graces and His gifts. All this came between God and the soul in life.
                                                                                    -Susan Tassone
Today’s Reflection:
What will I see at the moment of my particular judgment? Will I see that I have created obstacles between my soul and God? What might they be? I pray for the grace to dismantle these obstacles in this life so I will not take them with me to eternal life.

“Fast from bitterness – feast on forgiveness.
Fast from self-concern – feast on compassion for others.
Fast from personal anxiety – feast on eternal truth.
Fast from anger – feast on patience.
Fast from words that destroy – feast on words that build up.
Fast from discontent – feast on gratitude.
Fast from discouragement – feast on hope.”
                                                                                    -Susan Tassone
Today’s Reflection:
What “fast” should I engage? What are three practical ways I can employ its antidote today?