Be disciplined about your time with Me in each day

My apostles, I speak to you with such hope. Why do I feel hope when I speak these words? I, Jesus, feel hope because you are reading these words and listening to Me.  In your soul, you are interested in My plan. In your soul you are willing to make the changes which will bring about My plan. In your soul you receive a foretaste of heaven which provides you with the joy that I wish to make available to others. 
My heavenly plan is truly rooted in your soul and for this reason I have hope. 
The times in which you live provide you with opportunities to practice hope, even while much of the world feels dismay and fear. 
My apostles see that the world is changing and this is the message, a message of hope, which flows through them. 
You are precious to Me, both because of the unique love I have for you and for the unique plan I have for you. Allow Me to rest in your soul each day and I will fill you with My love. Where can you find more silence? 
How can you give Me  just a few more minutes of time to be with you and sanctify you even further? 
My beloved apostle, please be disciplined about your time with Me in each day. I do not want you to be distracted. I do not want the world to take your hope from you. If you do not spend time with Me, you are vulnerable to the fears sowed by the enemy of hope. I rely on my beloved ones. In them I find rest and solace. You see, dear apostle, if I can change you and fill you with My great spiritual blessings, I can change others. 
Is there even one life that you can say you affected by your faith in Me and by My presence in you? Do not limit My plan in your mind. My plan is vast and it is working. Be joyful today as I am joyful. Hope in Me, dear one, as I hope in you. Trust in Me as I trust in you. Be with Me as I long to be with you and together we will fill the world with hope, drawing many wounded souls back into our family of love.