Converting work into prayer

Your ordinary contact with God takes place where your fellow men, your yearnings, your work and your affections are. There you have your daily encounter with Christ. It is in the midst of the most material things of the earth that we must sanctify ourselves, serving God and all mankind. 

Conversations, 113 

Do everything for Love. Thus there will be no little things: everything will be big. Perseverance in little things for Love is heroism.
The Way, 813 

Persevere in the exact fulfillment of the obligations of the moment. That work - humble, monotonous, small - is prayer expressed in action that prepares you to receive the grace of the other work - great and wide and deep - of which you dream.
The Way, 825 

It is we, men walking in the street, ordinary Christians immersed in the bloodstream of society, whom Our Lord wants to be saints and apostles, in the very midst of our professional work; that is, sanctifying our job in life, sanctifying ourselves in it and, through it, helping others to sanctify themselves as well. Be convinced that it is there that God awaits you, with all the love of a Father and Friend. Consider too that, by doing your daily work well and responsibly, not only will you be supporting yourselves financially; you will also be contributing in a very direct way to the development of society, you will be relieving the burdens of others and maintaining countless welfare projects, both local and international, on behalf of less privileged individuals and countries. 
Friends of God, 120 

Let us not forget that in all human activities there must be men and women who, in their lives and work, raise Christ’s Cross aloft for all to see, as an act of reparation. It is a symbol of peace and of joy, a symbol of the Redemption and of the unity of the human race. It is a symbol of the love that th
e Most Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit had, and continues to have, for mankind.
Furrow, 985 

God loves us infinitely more than you love yourself. So let him make demands on you. 
The Forge, 813 

In our ordinary behavior we need a power far greater than that of the legendary King Midas, who changed all he touched to gold.
We have to change, through love, the human work of our usual working day into the work of God: something that will last for ever. 

The Forge, 742 

A secret, an open secret: these world crises are crises of saints.
God wants a handful of men ‘of his own’ in every human activity.
And then...’pax Christi in regno Christi - the peace of Christ in the kingdom of Christ’.
The Way, 301