Vatican Attempts to Strangle InfoVaticana
Last August, the Vatican Secretary of State threatened the Spanish webpage through the big and very expensive multinational law firm Baker & McKenzie. The reason: The Vatican claims an exclusive right to the name “Vatican”. It therefore asked InfoVaticana to transfer its domain-name within a week to the Vatican Secretary of State.

InfoVaticana is an excellent and intelligent webpage critical of the present paleo-liberal regime that is presently destroying the Vatican. It proposed a compromise that would have made sure that no confusion between the Vatican and InfoVaticana would be possible.

But the Vatican told InfoVaticana through Baker & McKenzie that its request was “not negotiable” and InfoVaticana “must disappear”. Marco Tosatti comments on his blog, “We are pleased to hear that in the Vatican, at least some non-negotiable principles still remain.”

At the moment, the case is in front of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.