Satan has lied to you most of your lives

Children Created For My Glory,

Repent. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Open your hearts to Love. 

Surrender. Do not refuse Me. 

Give Me permission to reveal many truthes to you. 

Listen to Me. You know My voice. Do not be fooled into believing that you can not hear Me. 

You are not alone. Satan has lied to you most of your lives. 

Beloved, it is written that My sheep hear My voice. 

If you are right with Me, you will hear My instructions. 

Be not deceived. 

Follow My instructions, and pray without ceasing. Your prayers will bring about urgently needed transformations all over the Earth. 

Never tire of prayer. 

Repent. Give Me reign. Submit unto Me, and expect miracles to befall you. 

When you doubt, you prevent miracles from happening. 

Walk in faith. 

I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom