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80% of Italians support Salvini’s anti-illegal immigration measures

Italy turns right: 80% support Salvini’s powerful anti-illegal immigration measures, poll shows 

An overwhelming majority of Italians agree with Salvini and disagree with the globalist powers within the EU who are aggressively expressing their disagreement at the prospect of migrant-proof Italian borders, Affaritaliani reports. 
The poll shows that 80% of Italians stand with their new Interior Minister’s strong actions against illegal immigration.
The data from the poll, conducted by Alessandro Amadori, is very clear:
30% of Italians want all of the migrants to be rejected.
50% would like to accept some migrants but only after very precise and cautious checks.
Only 20% of Italians want to welcome all migrants.
Alessandro concluded : “A large majority of citizens, about 80%, support the positions of the executive and, in particular, the Interior Minister.”
During his election campaign earlier this year, Salvini said it’s important to control (illegal) immigration:
“The only antidote to racism is to control, regulate and limit immigration. There are millions of Italians in economic difficulty. Italians are not racist, but out-of-control immigration brings with it far from positive reactions. We want to prevent that.”