Pagan Symbol or a 666 On Francis‘ Liturgical Vestments?

The Mass vestments for Pope Francis' upcoming Dublin World Meeting of Families (August 22-26) feature a triple spiral  ¿or a 666?

Father Damian McNeice, the master of ceremonies for the event confirmed on (August 15) that the symbolism draws from "Celtic imagery". Spirals can be found on many ancient stones and monuments of Ireland’s past.

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The Triskele (variant)
This symbol is also used to symbolize the Druidic Threefold Sister Goddess: Fotla/Eiru/Banba. Ireland, or Erin, is named after Eriu. It also symbolizes the Wiccan Threefold Mother Goddess: Maiden/Mother/Crone. The Triskele was a representation of the importance of the number three.