Have a representation of the Holy Family in your home

The massage below is a message that was recieved from The Eternal Father to Fr. Michel Rodriquez of Quebec, Canada (Rosaire). He has asked that this message be given out immediately to all of God's Children and especially to those children, who Fr. Michel has spoken to while visiting the United States.

30th October 2018 From The Eternal Father

My son,

Listen and write

I demand that this message be communicated to everyone and everywhere that you have preached in the United States and in Canada.
Remember the night when Padre Pio brought you into Heaven to see the Holy Family. It was a teaching for you and for the people who have heard you. It was also a sign to recall the night when My Beloved Son Jesus was born into the world. Remember how My Evangelist Matthew wrote by the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit how the star stopped over the place where My Baby Son Jesus was born. It was a sign for the Wise men. Today, it is a sign for you and for all Christians and for all nations. 

The Holy Family is a sign for every family, and we should model ourselves after them. I demand that every family, who recieves this message, should have a representation of the Holy Family in their home. It can be an Icon or a statue of the Holy Family, or a permanent Manger in the center place of the home. The representation must be blessed and [consecrated] by a priest. As the star, followed by the Wise men, stopped over the Manger, the chastiment from the sky will not hit the Christian families devoted and protected by the Holy Family. The fire from the sky is a chastiment for the horrible crime of abortion and the culture of death, the sexual perversion, and the cupidity (lust) regarding the identity of a man and a woman. My children seek their perverted sins more than Eternal life. The increasing blaspemies and persecution of My just people offend Me. The Arm of My justice will come now. They do not hear My Divine Mercy. I must now let many plagues happen to save the most people that I can from the slavery of Satan. 

Send this message to everyone. I have given Saint Joseph, My representative on earth, the authority to protect the Church which is the body of Christ. He will be the protector during the trials of this time. The Immaculate Heart of My daughter Mary and the Sacred Heart of My Beloved Son Jesus, with the Chaste and Pure Heart of Saint Joseph, will be the sheild of your home, your family, and your Refuge during the events to come.
My Words are My blessing over all of you. Whoever will act according to My Will, will be safe. The powerful love of the Holy Family will be manifested to all.
I AM your Father,
These words are Mine!