

It is impossible to save one's soul 
without devotion to Mary 
and without her protection. 

Saint Anselm, Doctor of the Church

How to test love

He who limits himself 
to performing only what is his obligation
. . .  

does not love. 

St. Peter Julian Eymard

From the innocent

A society that needs healing and regeneration will receive it mostly 
from the innocent. 
The pure can look on the impure without contempt. 
It was Divine Innocence Who asked of a sinful woman: 
Where are they who accused you?” (John 8:10)

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Something of a miracle

The world is so corrupt that it seems almost inevitable
that religious hearts be soiled, if not by its mud, at least by its dust.
It is something of a miracle for anyone to stand firm
in the midst of this raging torrent and not be swept away...
It is Mary, the singularly faithful Virgin over whom Satan had never
any power,
 who works this miracle for those who truly love her.

St. Louis de Montfort