The vocation to the priesthood, a mysterious seed

The Priest: A Victim by Nature of His Very Priesthood

Blessed is he who knows his magnificent and sublime vocation and priestly mission, and who with docility submits before the infinite Love of God, who deigned to raise him up from the dunghill and from the dust of the earth, to lift him and to elevate him to the greatest and most sublime dignity that any creature could aspire to.
Blessed is he who, conscious of having been made a vessel of election, makes an effort, with Me, to follow Me to Calvary, in order to fuse his sufferings with those of the divine Victim, in order to be afterwards three times holy with the Victim, a liberator of such a great number of souls, freeing them from the yoke and tyranny of Satan.
Blessed is that priest who does not accept pacts nor compromises with the enemies of God, with the enemies of the Church, and with the enemies of his soul and his conscience.
Blessed is that priest who rejects all collaboration with the obscure forces of hell, and who walks upon the path of perfection and of holiness, according to My precept: “Be ye holy;” for if this precept of holiness is for everyone, it is clear and evident that it is thus in a very particular way for My ministers, for they should be holy and saints, in order to sanctify the others.
Then – what is to be said about formation imparted in seminaries of today?
My son, what a frightful distortion, in the name of progress and of a subversive evolution, that is in clear contrast to my examples and teachings!
O pastors, who have yielded and who do yield passively, to so much spiritual perversion, do not think that you will escape from your most grave responsibilities; your sophisms are of no value, to shut the eyes of God.
Soon you will see with your own eyes, and soon you will pay out of your own pocket, for all the evil that you have not known how to prevent, nor desired to prevent, and for all the good that you have not realized.
I bless you, My son.

The Divine Husbandman

The vocation to the priesthood is a mysterious seed of supernatural life, sown by God in the soul of the chosen one; so that the latter, under the guidance of his parents or of persons appointed by God, for this delicate work of gestation, may make the seed mature, until it attains its complete development.
For the benefit of the soul that carries within it this precious seed, so precious that no pearl of the world can equal it, one should make known to him the precious value of the gift; he should be guided to prayer; he should be oriented in his devotion to Jesus, really present in the mystery of infinite humility, wisdom and power, the Eucharistic mystery; he should be decidedly oriented to love, and to prayer to the Holy Ghost and to the Queen of Apostles, so that she may be the one who brings this vocation to its complete maturity.
In the period of gestation of one’s vocation, the chosen soul should also be educated in the mystery of the Church, of which he is, and will be, a part and a living member, with vital functions.

Jesus to Fr Ottavio Michelini