...now I go to hell

Two young men led wicked lives. Then, one had a dream of some evil men killing them.

He also saw that Jesus was angry with them but that Mary was imploring mercy. He resolved to embrace the religious life.

He told the dream to his friend who ridiculed it but later was stabbed to death. The first young man went to confession and resolved to sell all he had. However, instead of giving the money to the poor, he spent it on evil habits.

He fell ill and had another vision. He saw hell and that God had already condemned him. 

He again had recourse to Mary and went to confession. He regained his health but lived worse than ever. 

He went to Lima in Latin America. Again, he fell and confessed his sins, but relapsed into his evil ways. 

Later, he was ill again. The same priest returned, but the man said, “My vices have brought me to this end and now I go to hell”. He died before the priest could help him.