Sincerity and truthfulness with others

Sincerity with God, with ourselves and with others. If we are not sincere with God, we can neither love Him nor serve Him; if we are not sincere with ourselves, we cannot have a well-formed conscience that loves good and rejects evil; if we are not sincere with others, living together becomes impossible, and we do not please the Lord.

Those who surround us must know us to be truthful people, who never lie or deceive. Our word as Christians and as honest men and women must have a great value before others: Let your way of speaking be yes, yes, yes; no, no, no, for what goes beyond this, proceeds from a bad beginning. The Lord wants to enhance the word of the good person who feels committed for what he says. The truth in our actions must also be a reflection of our dealings with God.

The love of truth will lead us to rectify, if we have made a mistake. "Accustom yourself never to lie knowingly, neither to excuse yourself, nor in any other way, and for this purpose keep in mind that God is the God of truth. If perchance you err by mistake, make amends at once, if you can, by some explanation or reparation; do so, for a true excuse has more grace and power to excuse than a lie."

Another virtue related to truthfulness and sincerity is loyalty, which is truthfulness in conduct: the keeping of one's word, one's promises, one's covenants. Our friends and the people with whom we relate must know us as loyal men and women. Faithfulness is loyalty to a strict commitment made to God or before Him. Jesus is called the one who is faithful and truthful. And Sacred Scripture constantly speaks of God as the one who is faithful to the covenant with his people, the one who faithfully fulfills his promised plan of salvation.

Unfaithfulness is always a deception, whereas faithfulness is an indispensable virtue in personal and social life. On it rest, for example, marriage, the fulfillment of contracts, the actions of rulers....

Love for the truth will also lead us not to form hasty judgments, based on superficial information, about persons or facts. It is necessary to have a healthy critical spirit in the face of news broadcast by radio, television, newspapers or magazines, which are often biased or simply incomplete. Often, objective facts are wrapped in the midst of opinions or interpretations that can give a distorted view of reality. Special care must be taken with news referring, directly or indirectly, to the Church. For the same love of truth, we must leave aside the sectarian news channels that muddy the waters, and seek objective, truthful and discerning information, while at the same time contributing to the correct information of others. Then Jesus' promise will come true: The truth will set you free.