The source of the little mortifications

The source of the mortifications which the Lord asks of us is almost always in our daily work. Many are born with the day: getting up at the appointed time, overcoming laziness at this first moment; punctuality; work well done in details; the discomforts of heat or cold; smiling, even if we are tired or unwilling; sobriety in food and drink; order and care in the things we have and use; surrendering our own judgement.... But for that it is necessary, above all, to follow this advice: "If you really want to be a penitent soul - penitent and joyful - you must defend, above all, your daily times of prayer - of intimate, generous, prolonged prayer - and you must try to make sure that these times are not spent by leap and bounds, but at a fixed time, whenever possible. Don't give in on these details.

"Be a slave to this daily worship of God, and I assure you that you will be constantly joyful".

In addition to the so-called passive mortifications, which arise without our seeking them, the mortifications which we propose and seek are called active. Among these, of particular importance for inner progress and for attaining purity of heart are the mortifications which have reference to our inner senses: mortification of the imagination, avoiding the interior monologue in which fantasy overflows, and trying to convert it into a dialogue with God, present in our soul in grace; also, when we tend to give much thought in our interior to an event in which it seems that we have been wronged, to a small injury (probably done without bad intention) which, if we do not cut it out in time, self-love and pride become greater and greater until they take away our peace and the presence of God. Mortification of the memory, avoiding useless memories, which waste our time and could perhaps lead us to other more important temptations. Mortification of the intelligence, in order to keep it focused on what is our duty at that moment ; also, on many occasions, by surrendering our judgement, in order to live better humility and charity towards others. In short, it is a matter of putting away from us internal habits that we would see as wrong in a man of God20 , in a woman of God. Let us decide to accompany the Lord closely during these days, contemplating his most holy humanity in the scenes of the Stations of the Cross: to see how he willingly walks the path of suffering for us.

Meditación diaria