Bishop of Santander denies the Apparitions of Garbandal

Local Bishop: Garabandal? Niet

Bishop Manuel Sánchez Monge of Santander, Spain, has reiterated his rejection of the alleged Marian apparitions of Garabandal (1961-1965), reports (19 October).

His position "is like that of my predecessors, that Rome's assessment remains valid: 'There is no evidence of supernaturalism.'"

The background to the statement were Garabanadal supporters who had planned an event at the San Pablo Center of University Studies (CEU). However, "for reasons beyond the control of the organisers", it was held in the restaurant of a sports club near Madrid.

Sánchez allegedly called Madrid Cardinal Carlos Osoro to put pressure on the CEU, but Osoro denied any involvement in the case. In contrast, Sánchez admitted to having told the CEU that he was "not pleased" not to have been consulted before authorising the gathering.

It is known that the Spanish Freemason bishops made a pact a few years ago not to approve any Marian apparitionía F