Christian detachment

Sacred Scripture often admonishes us to keep our hearts in God: "Be of good courage, live soberly, and set your hope on the grace that the revelation of Jesus Christ has brought you," St. Peter exhorted the early Christians. And St. Paul advises Timothy: To the rich of this world charge them... not to put their trust in the uncertainty of riches, but in God, who abundantly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. The same Apostle affirms that avarice is at the root of all evils and many, by allowing themselves to be led astray by it, go astray in the faith and torment themselves with many sorrows. The Church continues to remind us of this at the present time: "Let everyone be careful to direct his affections aright, lest the use of worldly things, and an attachment to riches contrary to the spirit of evangelical poverty, hinder him from pursuing perfect charity. Remembering the Apostle's warning: Those who use this world should not dwell on it, for the attractions of this world are passing away (cf. 1 Cor 7:31)".

Disorder in the use of material goods can come from the intention, when one desires riches for their own sake, as if they were absolute goods; from the means one uses to acquire them, seeking them with anxiety, with possible damage to third parties, to one's health, to the education of one's children, to the attention required by the family.... The disorder that gives rise to avarice can also be in the way of using them: if they are used only for one's own benefit, with stinginess, without giving alms.

The disordered love of material goods, whether few or many, is a serious obstacle to following the Lord. The detachment and right use of what one possesses, of what is necessary for the support of the family, of the instruments of work, of what it is lawful to possess for rest, of what must be foreseen for the future - without anxiety, with trust always placed in God - is a means to dispose the soul to the divine goods. "If you want to act at all times as masters of yourselves, I advise you to make a very great effort to be detached from everything, without fear, without apprehension or misgivings. Then, in attending to and fulfilling your personal and family obligations... use honest earthly means with rectitude, thinking of the service to God, to the Church, to your own, to your professional work, to your country, to all humanity. See that what is important is not the materiality of possessing this or lacking that, but to conduct yourselves according to the truth that our Christian faith teaches us: created goods are just that, means. Therefore, reject the illusion of considering them as something definitive".

If we are close to Christ, little will suffice for us to walk through life with the joy of the children of God. If we do not draw close to Him, nothing will suffice to fill an ever unsatisfied heart.