Fire raining down from an asteroid headed for Earth -Carbonia


"Father, I want to be with you!".

Carbonia 26bis-10-2022 

God the Father says:

It is with great sorrow that I call back to Me today all those who are far from God, all those who have chosen the path of perdition, those who still mock the Work of God.

My beloved children, the time has come to return in haste to your Creator God.

The hour of choice has come. The hour has come for the manifestation of God in heaven.

The hour thunders in the curse of Satan here on earth, but man still does not open his eyes and continues in perdition; he continues to do what God has forbidden.

The Ten Commandments have now been trampled upon by man, people prefer the simple things of this world, the things that give happiness to their being, and they neglect the spirit, they neglect what God requires most: to purify the spirit and to long for the "Things" of God and not those of the Earth.

The Earth is burning, it will soon open up and spit out its evil. 

Fire will come upon the earth and everything will burn, and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

More than one volcano will open at a time. 

Fire will also rain down from the sky through an asteroid that is headed for earth.

My children, you have not yet understood what is going to happen, you do not yet stop to reason, .... you do not respect the calls of God!

My children, you were created with love and for love, God gave himself to you for your salvation, but you reject Life, ... you are going towards eternal death.

My heart is in tears, it is afflicted with pain, my children, my tears flow in rivers and bathe the whole Earth. The Earth has become a sea of tears, but tears of blood! ... burning tears for the pain you are putting your Creator God and your Heavenly Mother through.

Enough of this!

It is God's enough that will thunder in your hearts, in your minds, in your ears! It is the thunder of God, the mighty thunder that will come in justice and turn you away if you are not fit to be taken by Heaven.

You will be left alone, you will be deprived of everything, you will be put in conditions of real suffering.

Suffering is about to enter this world: the greatest suffering the world has ever known, but man still does not understand, he does not listen, he is audacious and goes his own way. He does not ask forgiveness for his sins, he does not choose to leave sin for the things of Heaven.

Respect for God's love no longer exists in man, there is no longer God in man! In man there is now Satan, there is the one who sucks the blood of life!

In the veins of man there is no longer the blood that belongs to God, the symbol of God, but there is the satanic symbol.

Beware my children! Beware! You have made a wrong choice, you have chosen a path that was not meant to be traveled, now it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, ... it will truly be pain, blood will descend from your eyes as it is descending from the eyes of your Creator God and your Heavenly Mother.

Oh, how I wish that at this moment My people would repent and return to Me, embrace Me and say:

Father, I want to be with you. I repent for all that I have gone through, for all the pain I have caused you. I want to repent so that I can be your child forever.

Give me, Lord, the opportunity to erase all sin in my life and to be able to offer myself to You forever, in "totus tuus" as You wish.

The path you have chosen is a path of eternal damnation my children, time is running out, I have said that "time is closed" because it is over! History ends here, this is the moment, there is no more time, either you repent now, or else there will be no escape for you, my children, you will truly have to go through hell on this earth.

I call you again to open your eyes, to open your heart and to pronounce good words to your God: not blaspheme anymore, truly offer everything to God and share everything for the realization of God's Plan.

I am here, I am here waiting to see your wonders, I am here waiting to see my desire, my will fulfilled in you, ... in my children and on this Hill.

Praise be to Jesus Christ. May he always be praised.

Praise the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Now and always.

Pray to St. Joseph for his intercession, pray to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

My children, be vigilant, at any moment you may find yourselves in hell, already here on earth!!!!!

I love you, I bless you and I await you all converted to Me. Amen.