Apostolate on chastity. Means to keep it

 Chastity lived in one's own state, in the special vocation received from God, is one of the greatest riches of the Church before the world; it is born of love and is ordered to love. It is a sign of God on earth. Continence for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven "bears above all the imprint of the likeness of Christ, who, in the work of redemption, made this choice for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven". The Apostles, departing from the tradition of the Old Covenant where procreative fecundity was considered a blessing, followed the example of Christ, convinced that in this way they were following him more closely and were better disposed to carry out the apostolic mission they had received. Little by little they came to understand - John Paul II reminds us - how this continence gives rise to a particular "spiritual and supernatural fruitfulness of man that comes from the Holy Spirit".

Perhaps at the present time, chastity may seem incomprehensible to many, and apostolic celibacy and virginity lived in the midst of the world even more so. The first Christians also had to face an environment hostile to this virtue. For this reason, an important part of the apostolate that we have to carry out is to value chastity and the virtues that go with it: to make it attractive through exemplary behavior, and to give the Church's doctrine on this matter, which opens the doors to friendship with God. We have to take care, for example, of the details of modesty and modesty in dress, grooming, sports; the categorical refusal to participate in conversations that disdain a Christian; the rejection of immoral spectacles...; and above all we have to give the joyful example of our own life. With our conversation we have to show, shamelessly when necessary, the beauty of this virtue and the innumerable fruits that derive from it: the greater capacity to love, generosity, joy, refinement of soul.... We must proclaim to the four winds that this virtue is always possible if we use the means that Our Mother the Church has recommended for centuries: recollection of the senses, attentive prudence to avoid occasions, the guarding of modesty, moderation in entertainment, temperance, frequent recourse to prayer, the sacraments and penance, frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist, sincerity... and, above all, a great love for the Blessed Virgin. We will never be tempted beyond our strength.

At the end of our prayer we turn to Holy Mary, Mater pulchrae dilectionis, Mother of the beautiful love, who will always help us to draw a steadier love even from the greatest temptations.
