Exemplarity in family life, professional life, etc.


 In the face of that tide of materialism and sensuality that drowns men, the Lord "wants another wave to come from our souls -white and powerful, like the right hand of the Lord-, that floods, with its purity, the rottenness of all materialism and neutralizes the corruption that has inundated the world: that is what the children of God come for -and more-", to bring Christ to so many who live with us, so that God will not be a stranger in society.

We will truly transform the world - beginning with that perhaps small world in which our activity is carried out and in which our illusions are awakened - if teaching begins with the witness of our personal life: if we are exemplary, competent and honest in our professional work; in the family, dedicating to our children, to our parents, the time they need; if they see us joyful, even in the midst of contradiction and pain; if we are friendly. ..., "they will believe our works more than any other speech" and will be attracted to the life shown by our actions. Example prepares the soil in which the word will bear fruit. Without anything that is not proper to ordinary Christians, we can show what it means to truly follow the Lord in daily life, as the first Christians did. St. Paul urged the faithful in Ephesus: I urge you to conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the vocation to which you have been called.

We are to be known as men and women who are loyal, simple, truthful, cheerful, hardworking, optimistic; we are to behave as people who carry out their duties uprightly and who know how to act at all times as children of God, who do not allow themselves to be swept along by any current. The Christian's life will then constitute a sign by which they will know the spirit of Christ. For this reason, we should often ask ourselves in our personal prayer whether our co-workers, our relatives and friends, on witnessing our actions, are moved to glorify God, because they see in them the light of Christ: it will be a good sign that there is light in us and not darkness, love for God and not lukewarmness. He," Pope John Paul II tells us, "needs you.... In some way you lend him your face, your heart, your whole person, convinced, dedicated to the good of others, faithful servants of the Gospel. Then it will be Jesus himself who will look good; but if you are lazy and vile, you will obscure his true identity and you will not do him honor. Let us never lose sight of this reality: others must see Christ in our simple and serene daily behavior: at work, at rest, when we receive good or bad news, when we speak or remain silent.... And for this it is necessary to follow the Master very closely.
