Virtues of a job well done

Professional prestige is earned day by day, in a silent work, careful to detail, done conscientiously, in the presence of God, without giving too much importance to whether or not it is seen by men. This prestige in one's own profession or trade, in the study of students, has immediate repercussions on colleagues and friends: our word that tries to bring them closer to God will have weight and authority, and the example of competent work will help them to improve in their professional tasks. The profession becomes Christ's pedestal, where he is seen even from afar.

Along with professional prestige, the Lord asks of us other virtues: the spirit of kind and sacrificial service, simplicity and humility to teach without self-importance, serenity - so that intense activity does not turn into activism -, leaving the task and its concerns aside when the time has come to spend some time in prayer or to attend to the family and listen to the wife, husband, children, parents, friends....

The work should not fill the day in such a way that it occupies the time dedicated to God, to the family, to friends? It would be a clear symptom that we are no longer sanctifying ourselves, but that we are seeking ourselves in it. It would be another form of corruption of this "divine gift". This deformation is perhaps even more dangerous in our time, because of the same unfocused demands on which many works are based. We, ordinary and simple Christians in the midst of the world, can never forget that we must encounter Christ every day in the midst of and through our tasks, whatever they may be.

Let us turn to St. Joseph to teach us the fundamental virtues that we must live in the exercise of our profession. "Joseph, without a doubt, got a lot of people out of trouble with a job well done. His professional work was an occupation oriented towards service, to make life pleasant for the other families of the village, and accompanied by a smile, a kind word, a comment said as if in passing, but which restores faith and joy to those who are about to lose them "11. Close to Joseph we find Mary.