It's the time of passion!!!!
I Am That I Am!
My children
your God Love is about to descend among you:
He comes to bring His Grace to His Chosen Ones!
Surrender to Him who has begotten you, oh men;
Prepare for Him the way of your return.
Peace be with you!!!!
Beloved children, I am the Blessed Virgin:
I come down from Heaven to bring you My help.
I come to teach you the things of God!
I come with the Holy Spirit to invigorate your hearts.
He will descend from on high Whom you will soon see in His Eternal Beauty.
He will come on a white cloud... and He will bless His People.
The voices of the Angels, in chorus, will sing to Him wondrous praises of love:
They shall follow Him to honor and adore Him.
In His infinite Beauty He will radiate of Himself upon all His Children,
He will smile upon them, He will welcome them to His bosom;
they will rejoice eternally.
The dawn of the new day dawns upon God's chosen people, upon all His beloved faithful Sons.
Behold, beloved:
Behold, your God ... descends from His Heaven for you;
He will honor you in Himself and make you "eternal" in Himself.
The nations are in turmoil:
a nuclear attack is imminent,
a nation will rise up in its madness and dictate its law.
War will break out and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for Humanity and the Earth that contains it.
Satan has succeeded in his evil plan, but ...
verily I say unto you, it will all come to an end,
his power will end and he will be bound to Hell.
The Father cries out his vengeance!
This Humanity has accepted sin ... and enjoys sinning:
it sets itself up as god ...
it has not yet understood that its end is near,
that his being god is but his death.
St. Michael the Archangel confronts this Humanity and hurls his flaming sword against the wicked.
The battle begins...
terrible will be the end for those who have not respected the One True God.
The traitors are close to death.
Miserum est!
France will be attacked by enemies:
Paris will lose its beauty.
Italy will suffer great ruin.
This Humanity
has fallen into Lucifer's trap:
it has allowed itself to be corrupted by Lucifer;
it has abandoned the commandments of God Love,
it has sold itself for a miserable power on Earth.
He will have a bitter awakening!
My children, it is your Father in Heaven who calls you back to redemption:
do not stand up to kill one another, but.... love one another!
Return to purity.
Put aside vengeance ...
Cast off the ego that fetters you.
Show yourselves benevolent to your Creator God.
Repent quickly!
Beloved children:
Prepare to welcome the Blessed Mother ... in the guise of a Leader.
She, with St. Michael the Archangel, will soon manifest herself to the world and will say: "It is the Holy Mother!
With two words she will say: "It is time! ".
Darkness will fall upon the Earth ... and ...
men will lose their haughtiness because they will understand their errors.
Gather before Christ Crucified and prostrate yourselves before Him,
asking with contrite heart, forgiveness for your sins.
Here are the northern lights that will accompany Mary!!!!
Pray, pray,
scatter ashes on your head.
It is the hour of passion!!!!
Repent before it is too late.