Effective love. The will of God

To know that God loves us, with infinite love, is the good news that rejoices and gives meaning to our life, and it is the extraordinary news that the risen Christ sends us to announce to all men. We too can affirm that we have come to know and believe in God's love for us. And in the face of this love we feel incapable of expressing what our heart is unable to feel either: "To know that you love me so much, my God, and... I have not gone mad? I have not gone mad? "

What the Lord has done and does for us is an outpouring of attention and graces: his Incarnation, his Passion and Death on the Cross, which we have contemplated in these past days, his constant forgiveness of our faults, his constant presence in the tabernacle, the help he sends us daily.... Considering what he has done and does for mankind, our correspondence to so much love must never seem sufficient.

The greatest proof of this correspondence is fidelity, loyalty, unconditional adherence to the Will of God. In this sense Jesus teaches us by showing us his infinite desire to do the Will of the Father, and tells us that his food is to do the will of him who sent him. I have kept my Father's commandments, says the Lord, and I remain in his love.

The Will of God is shown to us principally in the faithful observance of the Commandments and of the other teachings proposed to us by the Church. There we find what God wants for us. And in their fulfillment, carried out with human honesty and the presence of God, we find love for God, holiness.

Love of God does not consist in sensible sentiments, although the Lord can give them to help us to be more generous. It consists essentially in the full identification of our will with God's will. That is why we must often ask ourselves: Am I doing at this moment what I should be doing?11 Do I offer my work to God at the beginning and during its realization? Do I rectify my intention when there is an attempt to introduce vanity, "what people will say"...? Do I try to work with human perfection? Am I a habitual source of joy for those who live or work with me? Does my daily presence among them bring them closer to God?

"Love is repaid with love", but effective love, which manifests itself in concrete achievements, in fulfilling our duties towards God and towards others, even if the feeling is absent, and we have to go "uphill". St. Teresa wrote: "In what is the supreme perfection, it is clear that it is not in interior gifts or in great raptures (...), but in being our will so conformed to the Will of God that we do not understand that He wills anything that we do not will with all our will "

Love must subsist even in total aridity if the Lord would permit such a situation. It is usually on such occasions that our dealings with the Lord are purified and become firmer.