Love and feeling. Abandonment in God

In the service of God, the Christian must let himself be led by faith, thus overcoming his states of mind. "To be guided by feeling would be to give the direction of the house to the servant and make the master abdicate. The bad thing is not the feeling but the importance given to it (...). Emotions constitute in certain souls all piety, to such an extent that they are persuaded to have lost it when the feeling disappears in them (...) If these souls knew how to understand that this is precisely the moment to begin to have it!

True love, whether sensitive or not, includes all aspects of our existence, in a true unity of life; it leads to "putting God into all things, which, without Him, are insipid. A pious person, with piety without piousness, seeks to fulfill his duty: sincere devotion leads to work, to the joyful fulfillment - even if it costs - of one's daily duty... there is an intimate union between that interior supernatural reality and the external manifestations of human activity. Professional work, human relations of friendship and coexistence, the eagerness to achieve, side by side with our fellow citizens, the good and progress of society, are natural fruits, a logical consequence, of the sap of Christ which is the life of our soul. 14 False piety has no consequences in the ordinary life of a Christian. It does not translate into an improvement in conduct, into help for others.

The fulfillment of God's will in one's duties, which are often small, is the surest guide for the Christian who has to sanctify himself in the midst of earthly realities. These duties can be carried out in very different ways: with resignation, as if one had no choice but to do them; by accepting them, which implies a deeper and more meditated adhesion; with conformity, by wanting what God wants because, although it is not seen at that moment, the Christian knows that he is our Father and wants the best for his children; or else with complete abandonment, always embracing our Lord's Will, without putting any limits. The latter is what our Lord asks of us: to love him unconditionally, without expecting more favorable situations, in the ordinary of each day and, if he allows it, in more difficult and extraordinary circumstances. "When you truly surrender yourself to our Lord, you will learn to be satisfied with what comes, and not to lose your serenity, if the tasks, despite having put all your effort and the appropriate means, do not go your way. Because they will have "come out" as it is fitting for God to come out.

In the words of a prayer that the Church proposes to us for after Mass, let us say to the Lord: Volo quidquid vis, volo quia vis, volo quómodo vis, volo quámdiu vis16: I want what you want, I want because you want it, I want as you want it, I want until you want it.

The Blessed Virgin, who pronounced and put into practice that be it done in me according to your word17 , will help us to fulfill in all things the Will of God.