Roman Priests: Francis Is Destroying Our Diocese (11 April) has obtained a harsh letter, signed anonymously by priests of the diocese of Rome, in which Francis does not come off well. The text.

- "Francis sees the Church and destroys it".

- This is happening in 2024 and instead of a dream that revives the Church for Roman Catholicism, we are living a real nightmare.

- Francis destroys, demolishes, razes to the ground, as even Attila could not do.

- He has imported his material executor from Sicily [Bishop Baldassare Reina, 53, the Vicegerente of Rome].

- Reina is "a little man who took on the role of a giant of the law (but we know that a material executor doesn't need not be intelligent, only obedient)".

- There are many scandals: contracts awarded to friends of friends; preferential rents granted to very wealthy people; tens of thousands of euros thrown away on furniture; million-dollar loans granted to very suspicious people; all this in defiance of the truly poor, those in whom we should recognise the face of Christ.

- The signatories had hoped that Francis would have made a serious change by sending home the people who allowed this to happen, but instead he "not only kept them there, but rewarded them".

- "We express our total solidarity with our Prefects [Deans] who have told the material executor loud and clear that they will no longer meet or speak with the Bishop (the Sicilian [Reina]) until a new Vicar is appointed and until certain individuals are put in a position where they cannot do any more harm."

The letter is signed by "the clergy and people of God of the Church of Rome".

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsJfbqmeiukb