The Blessed Virgin Mary says:
My little ones, if you were able to understand how much I love you, you would melt as you feel embraced by the flames of love of My Immaculate Heart, flames of love that if you approach her you will be impregnated with her Divine fire.
Little children who walk in a hurry, stop on your way and come to the Tabernacle where I am adoring the greatness of the Son of God. In haste, I long to see you enter through the doors of the Holy Court and cover you with my maternal mantle to speak to your heart and tell you to turn your eyes to my Son, Jesus, who awaits you with his heart.
Jesus, who awaits you with his heart open and his arms ready to embrace you in his heart and wrap you in his kisses.
When you feel the desire of loneliness and the noise suffocates your being, come to the Tabernacle and deposit in my Heart your sorrows in my Heart and I will present them to my Divine Son so that your heart may overflow with his peace.
He lives many hours of solitude, have pity on Him and come to Him to speak to Him, as to a friend, telling Him the most hidden secrets of your soul that He will help you, because His Heart is always open to your pain, pain that He will carry with Him, relieving the weight of your cross.
Whatever you do for my Son Jesus, you do for me because my Heart will always be in his Divine Heart.
Walk in pursuit of His magnetism of love that attracts you, that impels you to silence, silence that will speak to you in its madness of love, madness of love that you must carry to the extreme by abandoning yourselves completely in His Divine Heart, Divine Heart that awaits you to bathe you in His sweetness, in His meekness, in His purity and in His humility.
Give Him part of your time, time that He gave you, share it equally, taking spaces to come and drink at the Fountains of His Divine Heart.
Agustín del Divino Corazón