319 9 VIII 1934. Thursday night adoration [138]. I made adoration from eleven o'clock until twelve o'clock. I made this adoration for the conversion of hardened sinners and especially for those who lost hope in Divine Mercy. I meditated on how much God suffered and how great is the love He showed us, and we do not believe that God loves us so much. Oh Jesus, who will understand, what pain for our Savior! And how can he convince us of his love if [his] death does not convince us? I invited all of heaven to join me in making amends to the Lord for the ingratitude of certain souls.
320 Jesus taught me how much reparatory prayer pleases Him; He told me: The prayer of a humble and loving soul appeases the wrath of My Father and attracts a sea of blessings. After adoration, halfway to my cell, I was surrounded by a large pack of huge, black dogs, jumping and howling with the intention of tearing me to pieces. I realized that they were not dogs but demons. One of them said angrily, "Since you have taken many souls from us tonight, we will tear you to pieces. I answered: If such is the will of the most merciful God, tear me in pieces, because I have justly deserved it, being the most miserable among sinners, and God is always holy, just and infinitely merciful. To these words, the demons all together answered: Let us flee, for she is not alone, but the Almighty is with her. And they disappeared from the road like dust, like a rumor, while I calmly, having finished the Te Deum, went to the cell contemplating the infinite and unfathomable Divine mercy.
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321 A sudden fainting spell, preagonic suffering. It was not death, that is to say, the passage to true life, but a sample of the sufferings of life. Death is frightful in spite of giving us eternal life. Suddenly I felt sick, the lack of breathing, the darkness in front of my eyes, the sensation of weakening of the limbs, this suffocation is atrocious. An instant of this suffocation is infinitely long.... In spite of the confidence, there comes also a strange fear. I wished to receive the last sacraments. However, Confession is very difficult in spite of the desire to confess. One does not know what one is saying; one begins to say one thing, leaving the other unfinished. Oh, may God preserve every soul from postponing Confession to the last hour. I knew the great power of the priest's words descending upon the soul of the sick person. When I asked the spiritual Father if I was ready to present myself before God and if I could be at peace, I received the answer: You can be completely at peace not only now, but after each weekly confession. The grace of God that accompanies these words of the priest is great. The soul feels the strength and courage for the struggle.
323 After receiving the last sacraments, there was a complete improvement. I was left alone for about half an hour, and the attack was repeated, but no longer so strong, because the medical treatment prevented it.
I united my sufferings to the sufferings of Jesus and offered them for myself and for the conversion of souls who did not trust in the goodness of God. Suddenly my cell was filled with black figures, full of fury and hatred towards me. One of them said: Cursed are you and He who is in you, for you are already beginning to torment us in hell. As soon as I pronounced: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, immediately those figures disappeared noisily.
324 The next day I felt very weak, but I no longer experienced any suffering. After Holy Communion, I saw. After Holy Communion, I saw the Lord Jesus under the appearance I had already seen during one of the adorations. The gaze of the Lord pierced my soul completely and not even the smallest dust escaped His attention. And I said to Jesus, "Jesus, I thought you were going to take me away. And Jesus answered me: My will has not yet been fully accomplished in you; you will remain on earth, but not for long. I am very pleased with your trust, but love must be more ardent. (138) Pure love gives strength to the soul in the very agony. When I was agonizing on the cross, I was not thinking of Myself, but of poor sinners, and I prayed to the Father for them. I want your last moments also to be completely like Mine on the cross. There is only one price with which souls are bought, and this is suffering united to My suffering on the cross. Pure love understands these words, carnal love will never understand them.