It is not enough to go to Mass on Sunday


It is unthinkable that Christians who have lived the Catholic faith all their lives could lose it in the great tribulation, and this could happen because, children, your faith is so weak, so mediocre, so sickly, that when hard trials come to you, be it the great tribulation, or health or death of family members, you could lose your weak faith and turn your back on me. I, Jesus, speak to you.

It has happened to many Christians who have turned against Me when the trial has knocked at their doors, and what should have been for more crown, more merit and establishment of their faith, has served to lose their faith as always, because they did not have it established on a firm rock, which is Me, and the sacraments in the proper dispositions. I, Jesus, speak to you.

See children, My holy father Joseph who did not lose his faith neither in the trials, nor in the hard obedience that Heaven asked of him. See how he left for Egypt with My Holy Mother and with Me, not knowing what awaited him and blindly believing that this was the best, expecting everything from God. But he had a great faith, Abraham's faith became a reality in My father Joseph and in My Holy Mother, and they never threw anything that happened to them into Heaven's face, such as losing Me at the age of 12. I, Jesus, speak to you.

Many Catholics believe that by attending Mass every Sunday they are already living their faith adequately, but no, children, no, you must read spiritual things and put them into practice, you must pray the Holy Rosary, you must attend pious acts so that all of this may serve as a channel to receive My grace, You must change the routine you have in matters of faith and renew it, because that faith in times of tribulation will not serve to keep you firm in the Catholic Church and My mortal enemy, who knows it, will attack you at the most propitious moment for him, to make you lose faith and make you deny Me. I, Jesus, speak to you and warn you. My peace be for all who read and believe in these messages.


Yo, Jesús, os hablo