At times, God may allow an angel to communicate messages to us through dreams, as he did with Joseph, to whom he said: Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife, for that which is begotten in her is the work of the Holy Spirit.... When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him (Mt 1:20-24). On another occasion, the angel said to him in a dream: Arise, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt and stay there until I tell you (Mt 2:13). And when Herod died, the angel appeared to him again in a dream and said to him, "Arise, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel" (Mt 2:20).
Jacob also, while he slept, had a dream. He dreamed of a ladder, leaning on the earth, and its top touched the heavens and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it..... And he saw that God was upon it. And he was afraid, and said, How fearful is this place; this is none other but the house of God and the gate of heaven (Gen 28:12-17).
The angels watch over our dreams, go up to heaven and come down to earth, if one can speak in this way, to present before God our works and prayers. While we sleep, the angels pray for us and offer us to God.
How much our angel prays for us! Have we thought of thanking him? What if we ask for prayers from the angels of our relatives and friends? And from those who are adoring Jesus in the tabernacles? Let us ask the angels for prayers for us.
They watch over our dreams.
Angels also frequently bless us in the name of God. That is why it is beautiful what Jacob says when he blesses his son Joseph and his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh: The angel who has delivered me from all evil, bless these little ones (Gen 48:16).
Let us ask God's blessing from our angel before going to bed and when we are about to do something important, as we also ask it from our parents, when we go on a trip or as children do when they go to sleep.
Father Angel Peña