Paul teaches that Christ's sovereignty over all creation is already
fulfilled in time, but will reach its definitive fullness after the
universal judgment. The Apostle presents this event, mysterious for us,
as an act of solemn homage to the Father: Christ will offer as a trophy
the whole creation, he will offer it the Kingdom that until then had
been entrusted to him. His glorious coming at the end of time, when He
will have established the new heaven and the new earth9 , will bring
with it the definitive triumph over the devil, sin, pain and death.
the meantime, the Christian's attitude cannot be passive before the
reign of Christ in the world. We ardently desire this reign: Oportet
illum regnare...! It is necessary that he reign first of all in our
intelligence, through the knowledge of his doctrine and the loving
observance of those revealed truths; it is necessary that he reign in
our will, so that it obeys and identifies itself more and more fully
with the divine will; it is necessary that he reign in our heart, so
that no love may stand in the way of love for God; it is necessary that
he reign in our body, temple of the Holy Spirit; in our work, way of
holiness.... "How great you are Lord and our God! You are the one who
puts in our life the supernatural sense and divine efficacy. You are the
cause that, for the love of your Son, with all the strength of our
being, with our soul and with our body, we can repeat: oportet illum
regnare, while the song of our weakness resounds, because you know that
we are creatures".
feast is like a foretaste of the second coming of Christ in power and
majesty, the glorious coming that will fill hearts and wipe away every
tear of unhappiness. But it is at the same time a call and a spur for
the gentle spirit of Christ to permeate all earthly realities around us,
for "the hope of a new earth should not lessen, but rather stimulate,
the commitment to cultivate this earth, wherein grows that body of the
new human family which can already offer us a certain outline of the new
world. Therefore, although earthly progress must be carefully
distinguished from the development of the Kingdom of Christ,
nevertheless, earthly progress, insofar as it can help to better
organize human society, is of great importance for the Kingdom of God.
goods of human dignity, of fraternal communion and of freedom - that
is, all the goods of nature and the fruits of our efforts - we will find
them again, after we have propagated them (...), and this time already
cleansed of every stain, illuminated and transfigured, when Christ
returns to the Father the eternal and universal Kingdom (...). The
Kingdom is already mysteriously present on this earth; and when the Lord
comes it will reach its perfection ". We collaborate in the extension
of the reign of Jesus when we try to make the little world around us,
the one we live in every day, more human and more Christian.