Following Christ when everything is going well

Some Christians, who seem to follow Christ if everything happens as they wish, move away from Him when they need Him the most: when their child, husband, wife, brother or sister is sick; when economic hardship is present, when slander and defamation hurt and some friends turn their backs on them. ...; or if in one's own interior life the feeling of joy that at other times made surrender and apostolate easy, but that now, perhaps as a very particular grace of God that purifies the intentions and the heart, disappears and gives way to dryness and a certain disconsolation. They think that God does not hear them or that He is silent, as if He were neutral or indifferent to what we do. It is precisely then that we should say to Jesus with greater force: Lord, save us, for we are perishing! He always hears us; perhaps he is waiting for us to pray with more intensity and righteousness, and to abandon ourselves more in his strong arms.

In every tribulation, in difficulties and temptations, we must turn at once to Jesus. "Seek the face of Him who dwells always, with real and bodily presence, in his Church. Do at least what the disciples did. They had only a weak faith, no great confidence or peace, but at least they did not separate themselves from Christ (...). Do not defend yourselves from Him, but when you are in trouble, turn to Him, day after day, asking Him fervently and perseveringly for those favors which He alone can bestow. And just as on this occasion narrated to us in the Gospels, He reproached His disciples for their lack of faith, but did for them what they had asked of Him, so, although He observes so much lack of firmness in you, which should not exist, He will deign to rebuke the winds and the sea and will say: "Peace, be still. And there will be a great calm "8; the soul will be filled with serenity in the midst of tribulation.

With this new peace that the Lord leaves in our hearts, we will go out confidently to fight again in those battles of peace - the external ones and those of the soul -, we will accept with joy the contradiction that purifies and we will remain more united to Him. Let us not forget either in those circumstances that the Lord has placed an Angel at our side to guard us, to help us and to bring our prayers more easily to God. "When you have any need, any contradiction - small or great - invoke your Guardian Angel, so that he may resolve it with Jesus or do you the service in question in each case."