Angola Bishops: "the Church cannot tolerate sin"

Angola Bishops Reject Tucho’s Drivel

Even "informal" blessings of homosexuals are "a great scandal" and "cause confusion" among the faithful, writes Bishop José Manuel Imbamba of Saurimo, president of the Bishops' Conference of Angola and São Tomé (22 December).

The bishops have decided to ban Tucho's pseudo-blessings because "the Church does not and cannot tolerate sin".

Monsignor Imbamba also mentions an earlier nonsensical text by Tucho on baptism for unrepentant sinners such as homosexuals and transvestites. In Africa, where the Church - unlike in Argentina - is young and dynamic, the problem is polygamists and people involved in witchcraft, syncretism and violence, explains Imbamba.

The "superficial practice of baptism" proposed by Tucho "would lead us to consider the baptismal rite only as an individual, magical experience, without resonance in the moral life and in the Christian community".

Therefore, the bishops have decided that adults can receive baptism only after proper preparation. And, those who wish to be baptised must commit themselves "to live according to the Catholic faith and morals which they profess".