St. Mark tells us in the Gospel of the Mass1 that the Mother of Jesus appeared with some relatives asking for Him, while speaking to a great number of people. Mary, perhaps because of the crowd that must have thronged the house, remained outside, and passed notice to her Son. Then Jesus answered the speaker, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers? And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, Behold my mother and my brethren. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother. It is the new family of Christ, with bonds stronger than those of blood, and to which Mary belongs in the first place, for no one has ever fulfilled the divine will with more love and more depth than she.
Holy Mary is united to Jesus by a double bond. In the first place because, in accepting the Angel's message, she united herself intimately, in a way that we can scarcely understand, to the will of God, acquiring a spiritual motherhood over the Son she conceived, already belonging to this family, of stronger bonds, which Jesus Christ now proclaims before his disciples.
St. Augustine points out that "bodily motherhood would have been of little use to Mary if she had not first conceived Christ, most happily, in her heart and only then in her body,
Mary is the Mother of Jesus by conceiving him in her womb, by caring for him, nourishing him and protecting him, as every mother does with her child. But Jesus came to form the great family of the children of God, and "with kindness he included Mary herself in it, for she did the will of the Father (...), and alluding before his disciples to this heavenly kindred, he showed that the Virgin Mary was united to him in a new lineage of family "; Mary is the Mother of Jesus according to the flesh, and she is also the "first" among all those who hear the Word of God and fulfill it fully.
We have the immense joy of being able to belong, with bonds stronger than those of blood, to the family of Jesus to the extent that we fulfill the divine will. For this reason, the disciple of Christ must say, like his Master: my food is to do the will of him who sent me5 , even if for this he has to sacrifice - to put in their place - the natural feelings of the family. St. Thomas explains, in turn, this statement of Jesus in which he puts the bond of grace before that of the family order, saying that he had an eternal and a temporal generation, and he puts the eternal before the temporal. And every faithful person who does the divine will is a brother of Christ, because he becomes like Him, who always did the will of the Father6.
In today's prayer we can examine whether we always want to fulfill what God wants of us, in the great and in the small, in what is pleasing and in what displeases us, and ask Our Blessed Mother Mary to teach us to love this holy will in all events, even in those that we find difficult to understand or interpret adequately. Thus we are of the family of Jesus.
Hablar con Dios