Soon the electricity will be only a memory


Carbonia 15.01.2025

Soon the electricity will be only a memory.

Beloved children, I AM!

Remedy your sins, O men, and come to cooperate with My Plan for your salvation.

God's wrath already thunders on this perverse Humanity that denies His teachings.

Man's will is being forced by the hand of the Devil who manages their minds and guides their steps to the abyss of death.

These are the last moments of life on this Earth wasted by Evil. I am intervening to remedy everything in Me: I will green the Earth and set it to enjoy in Me.

My children, oh you who will not listen to My word, know that the transformation will take you by surprise and you will not know where to lay your heads.

Darkness envelops the Earth, Satan reigns in the hearts of men far from Me, they fall into the trap of the infernal enemy because they have deprived themselves of the Shield of their God Love.

Rome will be stained with blood, the earthly Church will be purified, My sorrow is great, still I am betrayed!!! Poor My children and no longer Mine by your free choice, you have said no to your God Love to run after Evil.

Soon electricity will be only a memory.
You will be hungry and thirsty!
You will be cold!

You will cry out all your sorrow, for being wrong with Me, only then will you believe that God is your only good.

I will release from the bonds of death those who with humble and contrite hearts will ask Me for forgiveness.

Beloved children, theEarth is trembling everywhere, your planet is suffering because of your sins, its belly is about to open, the explosion of fuels will cause hell on Earth.

Beloved children, the time has come to repent, forsake all that is sin, purify yourselves, O men, your home is in Heaven, your Father awaits your conversion to embrace you back to Himself.

Soon the sky will darken, you will have no light, you will not see to the palm of your nose, everything will enter darkness. I ask with love that you return to Me, that you take refuge in My breast that I may lift you up to Me.

The world is in turmoil, all is silent,but God's voice will not be silent.

Be vigilant!!!