
These Last Days News -  2013
UFO's: Part of the Great End Times Deception…

 "In this final battle, there are many agents of hell loosed upon earth. They are traveling in transports. Do not be won over to a false theory of life beyond the heavens, other than the Kingdom of God. Know that it is satan who sends these vehicles before you. They are to confuse and confound you. These objects that take flight across your earth are from hell. They are only the false miracles of your times.
     "Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls."
- Our Lady of the Roses, December 24, 1973

On Feb. 24, "Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs — Seeing Is Believing" takes a fresh look at the UFO phenomenon. "As a journalist," says Jennings, "I began this project with a healthy dose of skepticism and as open a mind as possible. After almost 150 interviews with scientists, investigators and with many of those who claim to have witnessed unidentified flying objects, there are important questions that have not been completely answered — and a great deal not fully explained."

Beyond Merely Natural Powers...
The French scientist Dr. Pierre Guerin has asserted, "UFO behaviour is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it... the modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical." (Dr. Pierre Guerin, FSR Vol. 25, No. 1) 

Physics and UFO behavior certainly do not mesh. This writer had a high school physics teacher who one day said with a very satisfied expression, “I can prove that UFOs do not exist.” He then wrote the physics formula for force as related to mass, velocity and time; noting that several UFOs sightings reported instantaneous hairpin or 90-degree turns at incredible speeds.  He explained that an instantaneous turn at such great speeds would require so much energy that it would be virtually infinite. The G-forces on the occupants would also be off the charts. Therefore, the maneuvers of these craft broke the laws of physics and since no merely natural power can break the laws of physics, they cannot be real.
Were these UFOs merely natural, he would have been correct. But these UFOs are really diabolical manifestations that are not bound by the natural laws of physics.

TLDM was told of a 1953 sighting by a family in San Carlos, California in which three UFOs, traveling at incredible speed, stopped instantaneously and then make a 45 degree turn. The father of the family was a radar instructor for the Navy and estimated the UFOs were going around 1,000 mph when they made the instantaneous stop.  By the laws of physics, simply not possible.

UFO ‘aliens’: “There is no God”...
Among the many reported UFO abductions is the case of Barney and Betty Hill. On September 19, 1961 this middle-aged New Hampshire couple was returning home from vacation and driving late at night through the White Mountains, when they encountered a UFO whose alien occupants reportedly took them aboard and subjected them to a thorough medical examination.
The narrative of the abduction was not consciously remembered by the Hills, but was later extracted by the psychiatrist Dr. Benjamin Simon using hypnosis.  Among the many details that came out during their terrified recollections was a statement made to Betty by one of the ‘aliens’:  “There is no God.”  Their abduction was made into a TV movie.

Signs of the diabolical...
A Christian commentator related the following UFO account: "I tell you this saucer thing is very big. A friend of mine had one appear to him on one of their sacred mountains. It came in over his house and he said `I rebuke you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ--and it disappeared.' "

A Catholic family living in Alberta, Canada recounted to us several encounters with UFOs. Once, when one of their sons was out in the field, he saw a UFO approach. Upon reciting the St. Michael prayer, the UFO immediately fled. The mother of the same family recalled being awakened one night by extremely bright lights appearing outside her bedroom window, and a creature materializing in her room. At this moment she was paralyzed and could neither move nor speak so as to wake her husband. When she interior prayed the “Hail Mary,” the creature and UFO likewise immediately disappeared.

This paralysis is commonly reported in many of the abductions and attempted abductions. One book on UFO abductions reads: “At some point early in this process the experiencer [abductee] discovers that he or she has been numbed or totally paralyzed by a touch of the hand or an instrument held by one of the beings.”
Some “abductees may feel as if the contents of their minds have been totally known, even, in a sense, taken over.”  Others report that the ‘aliens’ can change shape at will: “... the aliens appear to be consummate shape-shifters, often appearing initially to the abductees as animals--owls, eagles, raccoons, and deer are among the creatures the abductees have seen initially.”

A Methodist woman reported after an abduction that she had recurring dreams that “made her feel like someone or something else was controlling her body, as if she were ‘possessed’ [her word] by demons.”
Another abductee recalls a “light creature,” an “amorphous yellow angel shape” that then took the form of an ‘alien.’ This creature, the abductee recounts, “is only a form of light, emerging out of the light.”  Truly, no one with an ounce of discernment and Biblical knowledge would not immediately recall the words of St. Paul that “satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).
Intrusive, rape-like procedures are also reported by many of the abductees. Clearly, these “aliens” are anything but friendly.

There also seems to be a high correlation between abductions and occult activity in the lives of the abductees.  It is observed that many “UFO researchers prefer to whitewash this fact that extensive prior occult activity can be found in the lives of almost everyone (or their parents) who experiences ongoing contact and/or abductions.” There are also many similar goals between the UFO “aliens” and the New Age occult movement, such as a one-world government and religion. John Keel observes:
“The endless messages from the space people would now fill a library, and while the communicators claim to represent some other world, the contents of those messages are identical to the messages long received by mediums and mystics.”  (Operation Trojan Horse, John Keel, p. 183)
John Keel also writes:
“The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon.”  (ibid., p. 299)
Such is the belief of New Age expert Constance Cumbey, who mentioned the Bayside apparitions by name on a Southwest Radio Church interview. She has noted that the warnings in the Bayside messages are similar to the conclusions of her own research. 

Purpose: global deception and the arrival of the antichrist...
When the Apostles asked Jesus what would be the sign of the His Second Coming and of the consummation of the world, Jesus replied:
“Take heed that no man seduce you: for many will come in my name saying, I am Christ: and they will seduce many. ” (St. Matthew 24: 4-8, 23-25).

Our Lady of the Roses message has mentioned many times that these UFOs are false miracles of satan.  Had there been life on other planets, the Holy Bible would have told us so:

"I warn you again not to listen to those voices coming from the depths of hell that say that life is existing upon the other planets of your universe.  This, My children, is not true.  Were it any different, I should have told you so in the Book of Life.  Know, My children, your battle shall rage upon earth. Satan is creating many false miracles, and one of these are the supernatural manifestations that you call UFO's.” (Jesus, March 25, 1978)
“The UFO's you wonder of are part of the plan of satan.  They are false images to promote the fallacy that there is life upon other planets.  There is no life, for I only created life upon earth.” (Jesus, February 10, 1978)

David Lewis writes that these “aliens” have made it clear that they intend to intervene in human history in the near future.  Mr. Lewis claims "They will select a human person and endow him with superhuman powers and knowledge. This man will lead us to world government and world peace." (UFO: End Time Delusion, David Lewis, p. 46).

Many believe that this individual will be Lord Maitreya, the New Age antichrist.  He may pose as the perfectly enlightened ambassador to these “aliens” with satanic powers to persuade, as mentioned in the Holy Bible: “Whose coming is according to the working of satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:9).
As one Christian website states, “This deception will seem so incredible, people's minds will literally be blown away.”
"However, My child, all must be wary because when he, the man of deception, is recognizable to mankind as he will set you with number upon the path of deception, he, too, will be a figure of virtue.  He will be covered as a sheep with robes of purity, but look into his heart, My child."    

    Veronica - Oh, I see a horrible black-looking ugly thing that was down there in the pit.  It's inside of this man whom I find...he looks...he looks holy and human, but he is actually one of those things.  He's actually a creature of hell.

    Our Lady - "Now, My child, I will give one secret unknown to many, but you must make it known to mankind.  This man of deception shall try to follow My Son.  He will convince many that he is the Messiah.  You must make it known now that the Messiah will not come unless He comes down with the legions of angels from the Heavens, as He ascended.  Repeat anew, My child, this false messiah shall not be accepted upon earth.  My Son, Jesus, is the only Messiah.  He has already come to your earth, but He will return.  But He will come down from the Heavens as He ascended with the legions of saints, those who have washed themselves clean with the Blood of the Lamb.” – April 13, 1974