How do we speak in Heaven?

May 3, 2004 Direction for our times, IrelandResultado de imagen de heaven


My children experience many fears with regard to their worldly existence and their physical safety. Children, at this time I would like to remind you that your body* is only the temporary dwelling place of your soul. Your soul is the eternal part of you. You will not need your body for very long in comparison to how long you will exist without it. 

Concentrate and prepare your soul. If you were preparing to travel to a foreign land, you would prepare in many ways. You would learn some of the language, assuming that upon your arrival and after having spent time there you would perfect your grasp of that manner of speech. You would have some arrangements made for the currency used in that land if it were different from what was used in your land. You would familiarize yourself with the habits and culture of the people who lived in that land so that it would not seem strange to you and you would know at least something of what to expect. 

My little souls of this troubled world, this is what I am asking you to do now. When you begin to feel fear, you must think of heaven. Tell  yourself that instead of feeling frightened, you will consider what condition your soul must be in to make the transition from earth to heaven. 

First, you will need some of the language. How do we speak in heaven? We speak of love and joy. We speak of learning, of sacrifices made on earth, of the divine interconnection between the different and varied aspects of the universes.

Look up to the heavens and admire My stars. Did you know that each has a purpose in its position and life span? Would you like to understand why that is the case? I won’t tell you now. You will learn later. You will look at a stream in heaven and you will learn thousands of things about that stream and what is in that stream. You will learn of its origin, its destination, and everything that occurs in between. 

Have you ever loved and admired a river? A lake? An ocean? Would you like to experience it in a complete way?

Children, this is not even the very tip of heaven. This is the very tip of the very tip of heaven and I am not finished. I am going to tell you about heaven more than I have in the past because I want you to understand that you are coming to a vast area of love and joy and wonder. There is no fear here. Offer Me your fear. Cultivate your virtues. Talk 
of holy souls who have gone before you, including the saints whose stories you have heard or studied. In this way you will be not only prepared for the transition, you will eagerly await the transition. You will pray, “Lord, I am ready. Take Me whenever it is My time.” 

You will not cling to this life as a drowning man clings to a sinking boat. You will strike out in confidence for heaven in your soul and I will come and take you the rest of the way. 

You need not worry that you are not perfect. You need only be heading for heaven. I will finish whatever is necessary so that you are comfortable here. 

No fear, little souls of the Father of all. Your Jesus will see to everything. Only hope and trust is necessary now. I love you and watch each detail of your time on earth carefully. As soon as it is time, I will come for you. I will not allow you to linger for any longer than is your allotted time because that would not be fair to you. Rest your fears and spend time thinking of heaven. There is a very good reason why none of heaven’s inhabitants would choose to return to earth.