'Church of Lucifer' Opening in Texas...

 These Last Days News - October 16, 2015

"Already, because too few listened to and acted upon My counsel in the past, already, My children, your nation is covered now by secret societies and churches of satan, being founded by the master of deceit and the father of all liars, the prince of darkness, satan. 

My children, I do not have to explain to you the evils that he will create and manifest through your children and all those who have given themselves to seeking the occult, whether it be, My children, in the homes or in the classrooms of your nation, your schools. Satan has planned his role well. It has taken many earth-years for him to reach this point, My child. 

    "You understand that the knowledge of the supernatural has been stilled and has been rejected among mankind. The knowledge of the supernatural has now been placed in the minds of man as a myth

 to be laughed at and meet with derision." Our Lady, October 1, 1977

“They will use the body of a human being, one who has fallen out of grace and the light. Any man, woman, or child is susceptible to this possession.” - Our Lady of the Roses,  August 21, 1975 

TruthRevolt.org reported on October 13, 2015:

The very first "Church of Lucifer" will be opening later this month in Houston, Texas, in continuation of the satanists' national campaign to mock Christianity at every turn. They make good bed partners with leftists.  

The organization's webpage, which may as well have been written by atheist Valerie Tarico at Salon, based on its spirit of supposed "nonconformity," advertises the Church as an historic event, one that will motivate other satanists to come out from the shadows and into... well, the shadows, I suppose.  

"Never in history has anything like this has happened before: an open to the public home for the Left Hand Path, a church dedicated to the mental freedom of all mankind, a home for all those who are not conformists to the common way of thought, and a temple to the higher self," the page reads. "This is the first steps to a new age."
"We worship the Complete Self," the page continues. "We exalt in forbidden knowledge and the paths to power,” it reads. “Without the proverbial serpent in the tree, humanity would not be the incredible creature you see in the mirror."
In an interview with KPRC, the organization's founder Jacob No – an alias name – asked people not to think of the group as Satanic, but rather as "very nice people" in search of "the bearer of light."

"We are not devil worshipers in any form of the word," he told the Houston Chronicle. "We’re not a scary people. We’re very nice people."  
"We’re giving a platform for people to explore themselves with ultimate freedom," No stated. "They will be able to look in the mirror and say, ‘I understand you better.'"
The "Church of Lucifer" will open on the heels of the "Church of Satan" unveiling a statue dedicated to the goat-headed demon Baphomet in Detroit.