Jesus: you are surrounded by deceivers.

Tuesday 22 December 2015 Messages to the 2 Patricks, Ireland

Trust in Me, believe in Me, have faith in the Words that I give to you for these Words are what will guide you through this time of darkness. These Words I give out of the depth of My Love. 

Realise, children, you are surrounded by deceivers. 

If you knew the web of lies that has been spun across the countries of this world, you would fear to venture out of your homes. 

Trust in Me, children, for I Come with My winnowing fan and I will separate the grain from the chaff and, their web of lies, their deceit will collapse around them and they shall be uncovered for all to see. 

Trust in Me, My children, this Battle is not lost but, I simply allow those deceivers to entangle themselves in their own lies. Be patient, My children, and stay close to Me: stay close to My Truth, read My Gospels and know My Ways, read My Commandments and know My Truth. 

Love one another. 

Love all those that you meet; speak ill of no one and you shall become a light in this world that shines forth My Love. 

Believe, My little ones, believe and be patient a little longer for I am about to reveal what has been hidden from the deceivers and, when I reveal My witnesses of truth, they shall shatter the darkness with the Power of My Love and My Justice. 

Trust in Me, your God, I Love you.