More Catholics are embracing Tradition


The authentic Catholic uprising is underway

More and more lay Catholics are embracing traditional Catholicism and forming a resistance on all levels against the ever-politicizing "establishment Church."
Catholic laity have received almost no substantial instruction in anything, whether it be doctrine, the sacraments, the liturgy, basic morality, etc., since the late 20th century, and especially in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. But now things are changing, and new movements are arising.
In the liturgical world, for instance, many young Catholics are forming groups like Juventutem, an international organization for young adults who love the Tridentine Mass. In fact, the resurrgence of the Tridentine Mass since Pope Benedict XVI's 2007 apostolic letter "Summorum Pontificum" is owing largely to Catholic laity asking their priests to say the traditional Latin Mass. 
In the Catholic media and blogosphere world, the "establishment Church" outfits controlled by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, including EWTN and Catholic News Agency, are being rivaled by independent Catholic media outfits. More Catholic laity, especially young laity, are recognizing the need for an independent Catholic media that is neither beholden to the USCCB nor afraid to report the whole story.

Lay evangelist Christopher McCarthy 
speaks on the need for an independent Catholic media.
And in the world of Catholic academia, while well-known universities such as Notre Dame continue to betray their Catholic identity, there has been a movement since the 1970s of small private colleges that are faithfully Catholic and authentically classical, such as Christendom College in Virginia and Thomas Aquinas College in California.
On the elementary level, more Catholic families are choosing homeschooling over diocesan Catholic schools, and now there are even private Catholic schools that maintain the Church's traditional standards of classical education, such as the Lyceum in Ohio.
So while the "establishment Church" is continually losing Catholics and closing parishes, traditional Catholicism is growing in a slow but steady movement of lay people hungry for the truth, goodness and beauty of the Catholic faith.