You are giving lucifer the power to destroy this world

20 December 2015 Messages to the 2 Patricks, Ireland 

Look always to the Truth, children, and do not fear for I, the Lord, your God, am with you, looking after you, guiding you, prompting you, when you make the decision to follow Me. This is why I say trust in Me, believe in the prayers that you say, believe in what you ask for. 

Do not ask for things that are not necessary, children, but ask for the things that are necessary and believe.
Remember, I am a Just God and you are My children. I will not leave you orphans.
I will not lead you into hardship or trials in the way that this world advertises. 

It advertises Me as a harsh and cruel God.
I am your Father, you are My children.
I am a God of Love not a God of darkness. 

You blame Me on much but you do not look at the Truth: the peoples of this world give lucifer the power to create great evil by their sin. It is he that starts the wars, murder, rape, lust and lust for power and then you wonder why there are calamities, disasters in this world. 

Look, children, look at what you give him: you murder your own children in their mothers’ wombs. 

You sacrifice your own children to him at an ever increasing rate and then you wonder why there is so much evil in this world. 

Look, My children, look and see the truth of what is happening around you. You are giving lucifer the power to destroy this world in your own free will and then you blame it on Me. 

Oh blind and foolish generation!
How I struggle to guide you on the Path of Truth! 

I have sent you teachers, Prophets, Visionaries and Seers to Warn you of what is happening but you ignore them, laugh at them and think that they are insane.
Can you not see what you are doing? 

You are forcing the Hand of your God for I will not allow this generation to destroy all that I have created.
I will not allow this generation to destroy My Remnant who still follow Me in Truth. 

You are signing your own death warrant by your evil deeds.
Wake up and see the Truth: repent of your sin and come follow Me in Truth.
I Died upon the Cross so that you could have Forgiveness.
Do not let My Death be in vain for you, My child, as you read these Words of Truth. 

Do not allow yourself to follow the desires of self that only lead to eternal damnation.
You are My child and I Love you.
Come back to Me for there is little time left.
I Love you.