Who will apologise to my parents?

VOX CANTORIS. From the combox and out of the mouths of babes, though I suspect Michael would not want to be called one...

My name is Michael, I am 12 years old. My mom has been homeschooling us, my two sisters and myself for 6 years. My youngest brother (3 years old) will also be home-schooled. 

My parents have sacrificed so much for us to have a better education than the one offered in the schools, but most of all to protect us from the evil that was and is being taught in the schools. 

I see my mom sometimes cry and she apologizes to us for the world the way it is, that we cannot have a childhood like she had. We tell her she doesn't have to say sorry, it's not her fault. I do not understand what is happening in the Church, I just know it is not right. 

Why do we have to apologize to people who say they are lgbtqrstuvwxyz,  because I know God only created two genders, male and female, and He blessed them. So they choose to go against God. I don't understand why people clap in church, I don't understand why they talk and laugh while Jesus hangs on the cross up at the altar, and looks at them from the Tabernacle. 

I may be a kid, but who will apologize to my parents for having to sacrifice everything to keep us from the evil of this world, who have sacrificed everything to teach us properly about God, about His Church, to teach us to stand up for what is right even if it means we might not have any friends? 

Who will say sorry to my parents especially my mom, who has gone to meetings with teachers and principals and written letters to the priests and cardinals, so that they might change something at least in the so called catholic school, so that we could go without being looked at like weirdos? 

We went back last year for 6 months and it was not good, at all. We will be homeschooled for good now, which means my mom has to stay home with us all the time, my dad has to work longer hours because he is the only one working to support us. 

Who will apologize to my parents, will you Pope Francis? My name is Michael and I love God and I love my parents and I hope that there are still good priests and bishops and cardinals who will do something to stop this evil. 

Ps. I got permission from my parents to write a comment. 

Thank you.