I will show you how our Lord is offended in this church

26 JULY, 2013 to Valentina, Sydney

In the morning the angel appeared to me and said to me, "I will show you how our Lord is offended in this church (Parramatta). You see on Sundays during Mass when the church is almost full and even through the weekwhen it is time to receive our Lord in Holy Communion. 

Most of the people receive Him so superficially without 
confession or repentance in their hearts, and they still come to receive Him." 
The Angel said to me, "Come with me and I will show you how people receive Jesus in Holy Communion."
We then went into the ChapelThe walls of the Chapel were completely covered from floor to ceiling in credit cardsI could not see the windows as they were also covered  in credit cards. The Angel said to me, "These credit cards represent how people receive HolCommunion.The cards were all different colours.
In mmind I was thinking what is thisis it going to be a shopI know the cards represent the buying of goods instantland without much thoughtThis is how many people receive our Lord Jesus in Holy Communion.
The Angel showed me how God is sacrileged not only in this church but many churches. People go to Holy Communion out of habitWhen they see others gothey follow one another without examining their consciences. 
The Angel then said to me standing in front of the Tabernacle, "Throw yourself on your knees and beg God for mercy for all the sacrileges committed against Jesus during Holy Communionfor all the Pains that He bears. So severelHe is saddened by this."
The Angel said, "You must tell Priests that they should speak about this to people during the Homily."

For the explanation of the credit cards is, we purchase goods on credit knowing full well we have to eventually pay for our goods as it is with Holy Communion we receive, but one day we will have to make an account of that sacrilege and have to pay our debt (offence ) to God.

8TH FEBRUARY, 2013 to Valentina, Sydney

Sunday Mass. After receiving Holy Communion our Lord Jesus spoke, "My Child, I want to tell you how much I am offended by the sacrilege during reception of Holy Communion. It tears My Heart into piecesPeople receive Me with no remorse for the sin in their hearts. It is becoming a habit everywhere. They just follow each other in a queue, standing and stretching out their hands to receive My Body like a biscuitNo reverence whatsoever!” 

"My child, please console Me. Offer your suffering with love. I will accept it and I will know we are one in thisI want you to tell My Priests to explain more to people how sacred is MBody. A lot of people don't know everything. They must be instructed to honour Me with great respect.

"My childrenI died for you on the cross and I suffered. You cannot imagine how much I suffered in order to give you life.

Our Lord was so sorrowful with tears on His Holy Face showing me how casual people are during Holy Communion. 

Lord have mercy on us.