They, too, can be rescued by your prayers and sacrifices

The demon seeks by every means to turn us away from prayer, "he well knows, the traitor, that a soul that perseveres in prayer is lost to him for ever;... you may believe me, she will arrive at the harbour of salvation." - St. Teresa of Avila

"Many souls that would otherwise fall into hell and eternal damnation have been saved because of the thousands of prayers that have been rising to Heaven for their salvation. Only, My children, in the time of your great reward in Heaven will you understand fully how great was your mission upon earth." - Jesus, October 6, 1976

SILENT MEDITATION"Do not lose sight of silent meditation and prayer." - Our Lady, September 7, 1973
"Prayer has the greatest strength of appeal in Heaven." - Jesus, October 6, 1979

"His [satan] power is great, but you can always break his rule with prayer and penance." - Our Lady, September 7, 1978

"Prayer is the most powerful incentive for peace." - Our Lady, February 28, 1991

ETERNAL FATHER"All you will do when you become befuddled, My children, all you will do is pray to the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost; or pray directly to the Eternal Father, and ask Him to enlighten you as to the day's woes that come upon you." - Our Lady, September 7, 1985
"At those moments in which satan seeks to break your spirit, you will retire into a quiet area and pray the beads given by My Mother to you." - Jesus, May 10, 1972

"You just remember, My children, to call on Michael and the angels, whom man has deemed to cast aside. Yes, this guardian you will need. We have placed them at your sides; call on them. We are all waiting and watching. No one will be lost if they call on them, Our warriors." - Our Lady, May 30, 1971

MERITS"You will come across the veil with nothing but the merits of love and prayer." - Jesus, March 18, 1978
Oh, Our Lady says there are some people here who have a nervous illness. And She said that Saint Dymphna--She said that you are to pray and make her name known to the world. - Veronica, March 25, 1972

"It goes far beyond much human understanding, because without prayer and suffering and penance, you will not have the gift from the Eternal Father to understand even the Sacred Scriptures." - 
St. Theresa, October 2, 1979

"I have but one more discourse with you, My child--that is that you must go forward and demand that the prayers be returned to the schools. In that manner, We can approach the children and return them to their rightful place in the reign of God." -Jesus, October 5, 1985

ONE LITTLE AVE"These are human qualities--fear, indecision, doubt, uncertainty--but, My child, when you pray one little Ave, lifting your heart to Heaven, these fears will be dispelled." - Our Lady, October 6, 1974
RESCUED"Those who are destined for Lucifer's kingdom have already chosen their path, My child. But they, too, can be rescued by your prayers and sacrifices." - Our Lady, November 1, 1971
"Your world and leaders--and yes, those in My Son's House--have forgotten the value of prayer. They will not recover and ransom souls with idle talk." - Our Lady, November 20, 1972

"I give you this lesson of reality, My children: the demons cannot stay with the sound of prayer ringing in the air." - Jesus, September 14, 1976

"There will come a time, My child, when prayer shall strengthen you and give you the hope, the faith, and the charity to live in a world that goes into complete darkness of spirit." - Our Lady, May 17, 1975

DECISION"Whenever you have a decision to make, I repeat, you will pray once, pray again, and then you will be given the light of understanding. Pray once, pray again, and you will be given the light." - Our Lady, November 20, 1974
USE IT"The greatest weapon you have now is prayer; you will use it." - Our Lady, May 30, 1973
LADDER"The only ladder to Heaven is found in our climbing in prayer; each step will be shorter and higher if we just try a little to care." - St. Theresa, May 23, 1969 Occulations from Heaven
"Use the armor that My Mother has given to you, of prayer, penance, and sacrifice. Learn, My children, to cast aside the things of your world that bring your soul into darkness. Keep your minds filled with pure and holy thoughts, for it is the main point of entrance for the evil spirits." - Jesus, September 28, 1972

BISHOPS"My children, pray constantly, and in true charity, pray for your cardinals and your bishops. Many shall fall because of too few prayers and acts of sacrifice for them." - Jesus, November 20, 1979
"You will continue now, My child, by directing all to pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your clergy, for the Bishop of Rome, your Pope, and for all mankind, for all poor sinners whose minds have been poisoned by satan." - Jesus, November 24, 1979

HELL"Heaven, hell, purgatory, and especially, My children, the word hell must be retained in your prayers." - Jesus, February 10, 1977
TRUE LOVE"In your charity of heart, in your love of human nature that We hear man speaking of as he falls into the errors of modernism and humanism--true love lies in prayers and sacrifice for an individual, for when you come over the veil, I assure you, it is only love and prayers that can follow you." - Jesus, May 20, 1978
EXAMPLE"I have asked you all not to abandon My Son's Church, but to remain: set an example of prayer and holiness." - Our Lady, May 26, 1979
"Your government, schools have been entered. My Son's House has been entered. But if you love My Son you will stay with Him. Chase satan out with a vigilance of prayer." - Our Lady, May 30, 1972

BROKEN HOMES"It is only because there are not enough prayers that there is discord and broken homes." - Our Lady, December 28, 1974
LEISURE"Better that you use all other time, of your leisure time, to pray. Quiet communication with the Father in the spirit will gain you much peace of soul." - Our Lady, March 18, 1975
"Prayer is the most powerful force in the light now, My children. It is a form of penance; it is a form of begging for the repatriation of souls." - Our Lady, September 28, 1977