Jesus: You are My Ambassadors
Children Of My Divine Heart,

I love you with an everlasting love. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. 
I Am the Great I Am. I desire to abide in you. Open your hearts to Me. 

Surrender in all confidence. 

Give Me permission. Give Me reign over your hearts, your minds, your very lives.

Your spiritual growth is of the greatest importance at this time. Focus on Me. 

Avoid the temptations of the world, and limit distractions. 

Pray. Pray Little Ones. Pray without ceasing. 

It is true that I choose those who are My ambassadors with wisdom. 

I often pick the weak, the simple, and the humble. 

You would do well to remember this when you attempt to discern the Truth.

 In your eyes, you declare others unworthy. 

Beloved, My eyes see the heart, the deepest secrets of the heart. I never err. 

Remember this instruction. Get to know My ways. 

Search for the Truth. I hope in you.

I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom