He Did Abortions Until He Had Three Powerful Encounters With the Holy Spirit

Bruchalski used to perform abortion procedures before having three powerful encounters with the Holy Spirit and stopped doing them. He also ceased prescribing contraceptives and told his hospital colleagues he would not do artificial reproduction. By the end of his residency, “many of his fellow residents had followed his lead and ceased performing abortions,” his website testimonial notes.
“If you can show women that they can get through the difficult time, whether she’s with insurance or without insurance and then that doctor’s practice or that health care facility practitioner then they partner with all these incredibly wonderful pregnancy centers and social services and even those on the other side [of the abortion debate], we will show you how to do a perinatal hospice so they don’t have to end the life of a child,” Bruchalski said. “We can actually make children welcomed, women healthier, families stronger by just providing excellent health care.”

The Christian Post