Italian Bishops Want End Of “Humanae Vitae”

The newspaper of the Italian bishops’ Avvenire (January 28) featured a recent lecture by Father Maurizio Chiodi in favour of artificial contraception.
The introduction to the article draws a line from Paul VI to Francis and calls this ambiguously a “development in fidelity” asking the question, “Are natural methods really to be understood as the only means possible for family planning?” There is little doubt that the answer is "yes".

For the Vaticanista Sandro Magister this means, “Goodbye, Humanae Vitae”.

In many countries, especially of the West (Italy has the lowest birthrate in the EU), there are virtually no young Catholic couples left who could possibly prevent the birth of children. If the clerical Church establishment had not lost their minds and were in keeping with the times, they would tell Catholics to make babies, not to avoid them


The regional bishops conference of Piedmont and Aosta, Italy, published a 16-page note which in keeping with Amoris Laetita pushes adulterers into receiving Holy Communion. The note, dated January 16, asks every diocese to create a “space of welcome” (spazio di accoglienza) for adulterers which, according to the guidelines, will eventually cheat them into receiving Holy Communion to the detriment of their souls.

The trick used is primitive: The document claims that every couple of adulterers is an “individual case” and that couples will be allowed on an “individual case” basis to receive Communion. As a consequence every adulterer can receive Communion without conversion. This way, divorce and remarriage are introduced into the Catholic Church.

The bishops claim that this is their way to accept the “challenges of a new evangelization”. But this is an illusion. Communion for adulterers has been openly practiced for decades in countries like Switzerland or Germany with devastating results for the Church and the sacrament of matrimony.