Roof collapses of Coccopalmerio’s Titular Church in Rome

If you’ve been doubting our thesis that the Vatican II Church is imploding, we can now offer literal confirmation of it. It is now being reported in Italian and international media that the roof has collapsed of the church of St. Joseph the Carpenter (San Giuseppe dei Falegnami) in Rome. This church which was built over the so-called Mamertine Prison, where Ss. Peter and Paul were kept before their respective martyrdoms. More interestingly still, it just so happens that this is the titular church of “Cardinal” Francesco Coccopalmerio.
The 80-year-old Fr. Coccopalmerio was created a Novus Ordo cardinal by Benedict XVI in 2012 and retired earlier this year as the President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts
Coccopalmerio is a notorious defender of Francis’ Amoris Laetitia, has suggested that sacraments should not simply be considered either valid or invalid, and was in the news in 2017 when his secretary, a certain “Mgr.” Luigi Capozzi, was arrested by Vatican police for “hosting a cocaine-fueled homosexual orgy in [an apartment inside] a building right next to St. Peter’s Basilica” (source). Just yesterday it was revealed that “Pope” Francis himself “had been informed by someone about Luigi Capozzi’s problems” but allowed him to have the aparment next to St. Peter’s anyway (source).
Novus Ordo Watch