Jesus: Impossible you say?

“I want to speak directly to souls at this time. Many souls are crying out for Me. They think I do not hear. It is they who do not hear. They are not listening for My voice, which must be heard in the silence of their heart. A soul who does not put himself in a quiet state will not hear Me. You, My child, have just blocked off your ears and closed your eyes for ten minutes in order to focus wholly on Me. And we are communicating in a supernatural way. But you understand that in order to hear Me, and it has always been this way for you, you must block out the noisy distrac- tions of this world, which grow louder by the day.”

“I would encourage souls to remove noise from their lives. Turn off the televisions. Turn off the radios. Many conversations are better avoided. In this new silence they will find their heart recollected. In their recollected heart they will find Me, who has been waiting for them.”

“I am here, dear soul. You need only look into your heart. I ache for you, for your pain, for your loneliness, for your isola- tion. Each soul feels alone at times and understands that human consolation is

They must seek spiritual or heavenly consolation. If you feel a stirring inside, it is your soul, seeking Me. Answer your soul, My dear lost one, for you will find Me waiting and I will solve all of your problems. I can work in you in miraculous ways if only you will allow Me. You have sought other consolations, which have disappointed you. Now try Me. I am here. I love you. I await you.”

“I want to address holy souls. So often you become discouraged. You do not bear with yourself at all. I, your Jesus, have endless patience with your flaws and weaknesses. You must trust Me to forgive you and over- look these human frailties. I am not like a spy, waiting to catch you at bad behavior. Rather, I am your friend. Your greatest advocate. I applaud your small attempts at holiness. Along with the Communion of Saints, I am pulling for you, My holy cho- sen souls. There is great work to be done. So let us not waste time worrying over our humanity. I don’t expect perfection.

 Please do not expect it from yourself and you won’t be discouraged. You must walk with confidence toward Me, always seeking My will. In the smallest details of your day, seek My will. I will make it known to you and gradually, you will live in a world that is saying “yes” to God. Hunger will disappear, the blackness of sin will recede, and little by little, My goodness will spread to all mankind. This is not impossible. You are skeptical because you live in a world poisoned by skepticism. This skepticism does not come from Me. Be, instead, filled with hope. 

And certainty. Be certain that the impossible is easy for Me. I could exert My divinity in this world, but I don’t want to do that. I want you, My chosen ones, to bring about this renewal. That is your mission. 

Impossible you say? It is not impossible for Me if you allow Me to work through each one of you. And you will be part of the greatest renewal in the history of your world. It is coming. So be of good cheer and do not become discouraged. When you feel hope- less, come to Me and I will infuse you with fresh hope and joy. Your work is important to Me.” 

Direction for our times